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Soap Drive to Benefit Catholic Charities’ First Step Victim Services Program

Stacys Soap Drive Final

Each year in October, advocates, survivors, and supporters recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).

More prevalent than most realize, one in four women and one in nine men will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes. Anyone, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, can become a victim of domestic violence.

Stacy’s Soap Drive, now in its seventh year, is one way the community can give back during this month. Valerie Colunio started a soap drive after the tragic death of Kelley Stage. While Valerie’s son was working on a project at school to build wells in another country, he pointed out that they didn’t have basic items like soap. This prompted Valerie to consider that our community could be facing the same issue. If someone is leaving a domestic violence situation, they may leave with nothing. It would be wonderful to have their basic needs met, to feel some sort of normalcy when they take that first step of leaving.

Valerie works with a host of community partners to make this a true community project. Valerie said, “I personally just have compassion for people, and I know it’s hard to ask for help or take the first step. Many of us know that domestic violence does not pick a certain gender or social class. It does not discriminate between the rich and the poor. It could happen to anyone. It could be your friend, a family member, or your own children. It could be you. No one should ever be ashamed to ask for help. It takes a community to stand up and make a change.”

Ashley Kerrick, Schuyler County Director, expressed her thoughts on the drive – “Stacy’s Soap Drive is incredible! These items allow the victims we serve to have the basics that they may have had to leave behind. It also raises awareness in the community of the issue of domestic violence.”

Stacy’s Soap Drive will be running until October 21 at various community locations. For a complete list, please see the image below.

On October 24, there will be a presentation as the items that have been collected are given to Catholic Charities First Step Victim Services Program at the Elmira Elks Club at 5 p.m. This event is open to the public.

Two additional events will be held that will be an opportunity to remember those lost to domestic violence and educate us on the reality in our community. Luminaries will be lit to honor those impacted by domestic violence.

• In Schuyler County, join us on October 19 in LaFayette Park in Watkins Glen from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
• In Chemung County, the event will be held at Wisner Park in Elmira on October 26 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

Attendees are encouraged to wear purple and visit the Catholic Charities’
table to pick up information on services.

Free and confidential help is available 24/7 for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Those seeking help may contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-(800) 799-SAFE (800) 799-7233)
or our First Step Victim Services Hotline at 607-742-9629 (call or text).

Catholic Charities and Strong Kids Safe Kids Host Back to School Drive with Local Businesses

Back to School Drive 2023 Chemung

Catholic Charities is requesting your help preparing local kids for a successful school year. From now until August 17, area businesses and Catholic Charities will be collecting new school supplies.

The following businesses have partnered with Catholic Charities and Strong Kids Safe Kids to offer drop-off locations in Chemung County:

  • Chapel Park
  • Chemung County Library District (Big Flats, Horseheads, Steele Memorial, West Elmira locations)
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • Corning Community College – Elmira Campus
  • Department of Aging
  • Mr. Panosian’s Famous Shoes
  • Parmenter Tire, Auto & Truck Service – Horseheads
  • The Purple Iris Boutique, Horseheads
  • Treu Office Supply & Furniture, Elmira

The following businesses have partnered with Catholic Charities to offer locations in Schuyler County:

  • Chemung Canal Trust Company – Montour Falls & Watkins Glen
  • Famous Brands
  • Parmenter Tire, Auto & Truck Service – Odessa & Montour Falls
  • Quinlan’s Pharmacy, Montour Falls
  • The Hi-Lites
  • Visions Federal Credit Union
  • Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Visitor Center at 214 N. Franklin, Watkins Glen: open every day, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Watkins Glen Public Library

Donations will also be accepted at the Catholic Charities Main Office (215 E Church St, Elmira): Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and at the Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry (112 10th St, Watkins Glen): Tuesday and Friday, 9 am – 2 pm, Thursday, Noon – 4 pm.

“We are deeply appreciative of the partnership of our local businesses who make the Back to School Drive a success every year,” stated Nancy Koons, Executive Director for Catholic Charities. “It’s truly a community effort to help hundreds of children in Chemung and Schuyler Counties.”

In Schuyler County, the Back-to-School Event will be held at the Schuyler County Highway Department on August 25. This event requires pre-registration by August 23 at noon for backpacks and school supply starter kits. This will be a drive-through event.

In Chemung County, Catholic Charities has partnered with Strong Kids Safe Kids to distribute backpacks and school supply starter kits at the Annual Strong Kids Safe Kids event on August 26 from 11 am – 2 pm at the Chemung County Fairgrounds. No registration is required. New backpacks will be available for students in kindergarten to 6th grade.

Visit this page for a full list of needed items and additional ways to donate, or email Katie Rhodes or call 607-734-9784.

Elmira Pioneers and Catholic Charities to Host Domestic Violence Awareness Night

DVA Night with Pios 2023 Facebook Cover 1 3

Domestic violence affects every community in the United States across age, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic backgrounds. In Chemung and Schuyler Counties, Catholic Charities’ First Step Victim Services Program assists innocent victims of crime, with a strong focus on victims of domestic violence. In 2022, First Step served almost 200 individuals with over 4,100 services. First Step’s local 24-hour hotline can be reached by calling or texting 607-742-9629 at any time.

At the Pioneers game on July 14, attendees are encouraged to wear purple, the color of domestic violence awareness. There will be purple shirts for sale, as well as a jersey raffle and 50/50. All proceeds will help First Step continue to provide needed services to victims in our community. Call 607-734-2690 for your tickets. The game starts at 6:35 pm with gates opening at 5:35 pm. There will be a photo booth station and giveaways for the whole family.

For more information on First Step, please visit their page on the Catholic Charities website or call 607-535-2050 and speak with an Advocate.

June is National Homeownership Month


Having a team in your corner makes homebuying less complicated – from repairing your credit, securing a mortgage, shopping for a house, the closing paperwork, and your first years as a new homeowner.
To date, we have helped 484 families purchase their first home in the City of Elmira.
Catholic Charities First-Time Homebuyer Program, a partnership between Catholic Charities and the City of Elmira, offers homebuyer education workshops.
Contact us to learn more about homeownership opportunities
in the City of Elmira!

In Loving Memory of Marilyn Terkoski

Memorial Marilyn Terkoski May 2023

Memorial Marilyn Terkoski May 2023

Marilyn was the first Housing Counselor hired by Catholic Charities (1995) to staff the new and exciting First Time Homebuyer Program, a collaboration between Catholic Charities and the City of Elmira.
Her efforts in those early years helped to build the effective and successful program that continues today. She taught us how to invite and encourage families and individuals to consider homeownership and how to make a successful transition from renting to owning. Marilyn celebrated every closing and she enjoyed driving around City neighborhoods pointing out all the beautifully-cared-for homes occupied by First Time Homebuyers – 484 homeowners to date!
We are deeply grateful to Marilyn and we send our condolences to her family.

Obituary of Marilyn A. Terkoski

Catholic Campaign for Human Development 2023 Small Grants Available

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Groups working to address the root causes of poverty in Chemung, Schuyler, and Tioga Counties (New York) are invited to apply for a Catholic Campaign for Human Development small grant.

Proposals are sought for projects benefiting and led by low-income people working together to bring about positive economic and/or social change in their communities. These projects should address the root causes of poverty and powerlessness and can focus on areas such as environmental justice, living wage, affordable housing, food security, racial justice, and cooperative enterprises.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development small grants average $2,000. Grant decisions are made by a local grants committee. Application materials are available here. The deadline for submission of the application is August 11, 2023. Grants are not available for individuals.

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development was established by the U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops as an education-empowerment-action program to combat poverty and powerlessness in the United States. Funds for grants are generated through an annual collection in Catholic parishes across the country.

Catholic Charities’ Annual Board Meeting Elects New Members

Board Members 2023 New

“We are honored to have new members joining our board this year and for the continued support of current and renewing members,” said Jim Siconolfi, Board Chair.

Elected for their First Term:

  • Brian Baker, Director of Spiritual Care, Arnot Health;
  • Jasmine Canestaro, Assistant Vice President of Operations – Schuyler Hospital Campus Lead, Cayuga Health System;
  • Nick D’Aloisio, Marketing Communications, Corning, Inc.;
  • Elizabeth Lambert, Vice President of Campus Life/Dean of Students, Elmira College;
  • Lisa O’Connor, Marketing Director, O’Connor Plumbing and Heating.
Additionally, the Officers of the 2023 Board are:
  • Jim Siconolfi, Chair, retired from Elmira College;
  • Aimee Churchill, Vice-Chair, Attorney;
  • Bruce Boughton, Treasurer, Branch Manager for Chemung Canal Trust Company;
  • Jeffry Sobkowski, Secretary, retired from Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield.
The following members were elected to continue their terms on the Board:
  • Ron Allison, Retired, Chemung Canal Trust Company;
  • Carol Brady, Coordinator for the Notre Dame Athletic Association;
  • George Maloney, Retired Owner of Pal’s Sports Center;
  • Jeff Richards, Retired, Elmira Star-Gazette;
  • Gordon Schuehler, CPA at Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. LLP;
  • Doris Smith, Registered Nurse, and Owner of Sarah’s Majestic Gifts, LLC;
  • Thomas Tedone, retired Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, New York State

Ellen Topping, Chief Program Officer of Catholic Charities stated, “We are thrilled
to welcome our new Board Members on this ongoing journey of working to reduce poverty, promote wellness and self-sufficiency, and advocate for those in need. We welcome our new members as they join us in this important work.”

Catholic Charities Hosts Successful Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Empty Bowls Guests in Notre Dame Gym

As the largest fundraiser specifically for Catholic Charities’ Emergency Services, this event raises awareness of the effects of poverty and hunger in our communities. Attendees experience a simple lunch of soup and bread in solidarity with those living in poverty. Empty Bowls is unique in the collaboration with local potters to create handmade, commemorative bowls for attendees. There is also a partnership with Barb & Mark McClure, owners of Barb’s Soup’s On in Elmira, to offer guests delicious homemade soup. It was the perfect combination of excellent food, beautiful bowls, and a worthy cause.

The Empty Bowls Campaign was able to raise over $21,000 to serve those in our community who turn to Catholic Charities for support. These funds will provide food and personal hygiene items through our homeless services and our three pantries at the Samaritan Center, High Street, and Schuyler Outreach, as well as delicious meals through the Elmira Community Kitchen.

Ellen Topping, Chief Program Officer of Catholic Charities, commented, “Events like Empty Bowls remind me of how we continue to accomplish our mission with the generosity of our community. Together, we offer hope by empowering individuals and families to reach self-sufficiency and bring comfort to those who are alone and in need.”

An overview of Catholic Charities programs was shared, along with a presentation by the Junior Ladies of Charity from Notre Dame High School.

Special thanks goes out to Notre Dame High School which hosted the event this year. The support of their Staff and Students was greatly appreciated. Students welcomed guests to the event, served the guests, and provided music both before and during lunch.

Catholic Charities recognizes the potters and their students who contribute handmade bowls each year: Gene Carr, Retired; Corning Community College Students and Erica Unterman; Elmira College Students and Chris Longwell; Doug Holtgrewe, Retired; Horseheads High School Students and Cynthia Cratsley; Notre Dame High School Students and Hannah Leeber.
Corporate Sponsors of the event included The Hilliard Corporation; Chemung Canal Trust Company, Person Centered Services, Visions Federal Credit Union; Cameron Manufacturing, Elmira Structures, Erway Ambulance Services, Gough Holding Corporation, Kennedy Valve, and Wegmans.

Catholic Charities’ Emergency Services provides homeless services, rental assistance, food pantries, free meals, and prescription drug assistance in Chemung and Schuyler Counties. Anyone in need of assistance may call 607-734-9784.
To make a donation to support these services, visit Catholic Charities’ website. If you are interested in volunteering or hosting a Bags of HOPE supply drive, please contact Katie Rhodes at 607-317-5577 or send a message through the Catholic Charities’ website.

Catholic Charities Presents Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon

Empty Bowls Luncheon 2023 Social Image 1

Catholic Charities invites you to the 18th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon being held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 11:30 am to 1 pm at Notre Dame High School. As the largest fundraiser for Catholic Charities’ Emergency Services, this event is designed to raise awareness of the effects of hunger and poverty in our community. Over the last eighteen years, the Empty Bowls Luncheon has raised over $250,000 toward local poverty relief efforts.

This year’s event is generously sponsored in part by The Hilliard Corporation, Person Centered Services, and Visions Federal Credit Union.

Empty Bowls is unique in that it is a collaboration with local potters to create handmade, commemorative bowls for each attendee who donates $50 or more. Catholic Charities has also partnered with Barb & Mark McClure, owners of Barb’s Soup’s On in Elmira, to offer guests delicious homemade soup. It’s the perfect combination of excellent food, beautiful bowls, and a worthy cause.

Tickets are $50 per person for lunch and a commemorative soup bowl created by a local art student. Get your tickets today as a limited number will be sold. For more information, contact Catholic Charities at 607-734-9784, ext. 2133, or visit the event page.

The Empty Bowls Luncheon will include lunch, a brief presentation, a 50/50 raffle, and a raffle of a beautiful commemorative bowl donated by Elmira College Professor Chris Longwell.

Catholic Charities’ Emergency Services provides homeless services, utility and rental assistance, food pantries, the Elmira Community Kitchen, and prescription drug assistance in Chemung and Schuyler Counties. Anyone in need of assistance may call 607-734-9784.

Catholic Charities Conducts Unsheltered Count

PIT Study 2016 1

PIT Study 2016 1

Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler will be conducting interviews with the public to measure homelessness in our community. The interviews will be focused on where individuals slept during one specific “point-in-time,” Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

This Point-In-Time Study (PIT) will be conducted in a five-county region and is part of US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funding and in partnership with CARES, Inc.

A Point-In-Time Study is a coordinated effort within a specific region to count the number of people experiencing homelessness during a specific one-day point in time. HUD requests this information to better understand and address homelessness at a national level. Because of this PIT Study, federal funds could be used to address homeless issues specifically within our region. Therefore, Catholic Charities’ funding is directly tied to the completion of this study.

Suzi Fritz, Director of Emergency Services states, “Since the impact of COVID-19, it has become increasingly more important to draw attention to the funding needs of our communities to ensure service availability for our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Catholic Charities’ Staff will be conducting interviews utilizing the help
of community organizations and local food pantries. If you think you
know where individuals are staying who might be homeless, please call
607-317-5640 and leave a message with the location.

In 2022, there were 1,144 distinct individuals who experienced homelessness and received services in Chemung County (229 individuals were under the age of 18).

For community members interested in helping, Catholic Charities is specifically in need of grocery gift cards and bus tokens. Donations may be mailed in or brought to Catholic Charities’ Samaritan Center (380 S Main St, Elmira, NY), Monday-Friday from 8:30 am—4:30 pm or The Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry (112 10th St, Watkins Glen, NY) Tuesday & Friday: 9 am—2 pm, Thursday: Noon—4 pm.