- Code Blue (Warming Station) is activated when the temperature, including wind chill, is 32°F or below.
- During Code Blue, a Warming Station is opened in the Elmira Community Kitchen dining area at 160 High Street (near St. Joseph’s Hospital).
- Individuals can get warm between 2 PM and 8 AM in the dining area.
- Between 8 AM and 2 PM, individuals can stay in the gym.
- Hot drinks, snacks, dinner, and breakfast are available. Lunch is served at the Elmira Community Kitchen while the shelter closes for cleaning.
- Individuals staying at the Warming Station do not need to apply for Temporary Assistance benefits, distinguishing it from a homeless shelter where they are required to comply with rules and appointments.
- The Homeless Shelter is now open 24/7, with security on-site at all times.
- Shelter residents receive breakfast, dinner, and a snack. Lunch is served at the Elmira Community Kitchen while the shelter closes for cleaning.
- If someone is unable to comply with the rules, they will be moved to the Warming Station.
- If the shelter is full, overflow individuals will be housed in motels. (They are NOT sent to the Warming Station.)
- Staff will assess and contact EPD or Crisis for evaluation if someone appears under the influence or has a mental health/medical issue. Transportation to the hospital via taxi may be offered. If declined, EPD will be contacted to locate and transport them. In case of medical distress, 911 will be called immediately.
- Due to extreme cold, pets are allowed if they are on a leash, well-behaved and their owner agrees to clean up any mess they might make.
- Anyone in need of a place to get warm or overnight shelter, should come to 160 High Street to see what their options are. Staff are working with DSS to find housing options for individuals.
- Staff work with individuals and families to make referrals to services for their unique needs.
- Family resources and support systems are assessed as alternatives to staying in the shelter/motel. Efforts are made to develop a natural support network.
- Individuals meet with their case manager and DSS during business hours, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, at the Samaritan Center, 380 South Main Street.
- Individuals are supplied with personal care items and linens when they arrive at the Shelter/Warming Station.
- Individuals are required to apply and comply with requirements such as substance abuse treatment, employment, housing searches, shelter/motel rules, etc.
- Transportation to required appointments including case management is given via bus tokens (cabs when necessary).
- Families are housed at local motels and not placed at the Warming Station or Homeless Shelter. Some individuals may be housed in the motels due to medical conditions or the shelter being full.
- Food is provided through the Samaritan Center Food Pantry for those in hotels. They also receive meal allowances.
- The Warming Station / Shelter is operating in partnership with the Chemung County Department of Social Services.
- The maximum number of people we have had at the Warming Station has been 15 as of January 21, 2025.
- The Shelter has 47 beds, and they have not been full since opening. If the Shelter is full, individuals will be placed in local motels, not the Warming Station.
- DSS Staff and Catholic Charities’ Staff are working to prevent homelessness by attending eviction court twice a week and working with landlords.
- There are more case managers now to help assist with intensive case management for individuals and families.
- No staff are on site at the Elmira Police Department since the Shelter is available 24/7.
- Contact our Shelter Staff 24/7: 607-732-5954
- During business hours, call the Samaritan Center: 607-734-4898
- Donations of hats, gloves, personal hygiene items, and blankets are being accepted at our Samaritan Center (380 S Main St). Anyone donating items should use the back door, Monday – Friday, between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.
- If you are interested in helping, please sign up to volunteer to serve dinner at the Shelter or find other volunteer opportunities with Catholic Charities. Sign up here.
- You can also see our complete list of needed donations here.